We take a look at the evolution of the ESG narrative from 3Q Earnings through the lens of Amenity Safeguard, our industry-leading natural language processing platform for ESG.

Bennett Saltzman
November 18, 2020

[Video] Key ESG Narratives from 3Q 2020 Earnings Season

[Video] Key ESG Narratives from 3Q 2020 Earnings Season

ESG Narratives Tracked and Measured by NLP Models

ESG factors have been shown to have a significant impact on the market, which is why investors can no longer afford to ignore them in market analyses. 

Our ongoing analysis of 3Q earnings transcripts and news articles has revealed the following trends that are worth discussing in detail:

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Environmental disclosures
  • Overall usage of earnings calls to communicate ESG narratives

Amenity CEO Nate Storch, VP of Product Veeral Shah, and Data Scientist Bennett Saltzman discuss these topics and elaborate on how Amenity’s technology enables investors to apply ESG factors in earnings and the news to reveal a complete picture of company and sector performance. Watch the Video:

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Safeguard is Amenity’s ready-to-use platform for ESG analysis. Use Safeguard to mitigate ESG risks by tracking ESG sentiment in real time. Gain an edge by discovering impact opportunities based on Amenity signals and unique ESG data sets.

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